[ eNeighbourhoodStore Pte. Ltd. ]

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Web Hosting Plans

  Budget Plan Basic Plan Business Plan Corporate Plan
Price S$200 / yr
US$119 / yr
S$400 / yr
US$239 / yr
S$700 / yr
US$ 419 / yr
Email Us
S$16.67 / mth S$33.34 / mth S$58.34 / mth NA
Domain Name: Existing Domain Name
Setup Fee Waived Waived Waived Waived
Payment Terms Annually Annually Annually Annually / Quarterly
Disk Space * 50 MB 100 MB 200MB 500MB
Register Now and Get Additional 30 MB FREE for Life!!!
Other Promotions NA Register before
1st June 2005
and get another
20 MB Free!
Transfer Bandwidth 1000 MB 3000 MB 6000MB 12000MB
Data Center Our servers are state of the art 2U Intel Dual XEON 2.6GHz, 2x512KB cache, 2.0GB ECC RAM, 3 x 120GB SATA Hard Drives with Hardware Raid 1 for hard drive redundancy, Hardened Secure Kernel and Redundant Power Supply Units. These extremely powerful servers are located in Los Angeles, USA. Reliability, extreme uptime and fanatical support is our focus and total obsession. The combination of 2U Intel Dual XEON 2.6GHz, 2GB ECC RAM servers and Premium bandwidth, makes for an extremely reliable hosting platform.
Other Charges :
Domain Name Registration S$19.95 / year
(.COM / .NET / .ORG / .BIZ)
S$60.00 / year
Additional Disk Space S$60 / 100 MB
(Chargeable Annually)
Overage (Excess Bandwidth) S$5 / GB
(Chargeable Monthly)
Value-Added Services:
POP Email Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Email Aliases Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
MySQL Databases Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Sub-Domains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Web Mail Yes Yes Yes Yes
Domain Name: Existing Domain Name

* Diskspace is shared between Web Site and Email accounts.

Control Panel

  • All accounts will get an Advanced Cpanel software (DIY website management).
  • (This is a web-based application whereby users can manage their own accounts such as create email accounts, create FTP accounts, view website traffic, etc...)


  • Unlimited Email Aliases
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Unlimited Auto Responders
  • Unlimited Email Filters
  • Built-in Spam filter
  • Free Web-based email to all your Email Accounts (http://www.your-domain.com/webmail)
  • POP3/SMTP Accounts


  • Raw Access Logs
  • Advanced Log Analytical Features (AWstats)

Programming Support

  • PHP 4.3+
  • Zend Scripting Language Engine
  • GD Library
  • Zlib Enabled
  • Mcrypt
  • Free Scripts
  • Mysql 4.0+
  • Unlimited Databases
  • Unlimited Users
  • Phpmyadmin for web management of DBs
  • Perl 5.8+
  • Free CGI Scripts Available
  • Java Applets
  • Flash

Value-Added Features

  • 99.9% Network Uptime Guaranteed
  • 99.5% Server Uptime Guaranteed
  • Daily Backups of your website
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • High Speed Network
  • Technical Support via Email, IM and Hotline!
  • No restriction on legal and non-adult content.
  • Unlimited FTP accounts
  • Serve any type of audio, video, images and text files
Domain Name: Existing Domain Name

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